Thursday, December 06, 2007

Rising Food prices of concern to CARICOM leaders

Business: News in the Caribbean -

there's been a lot of wailing about inflation and rising food prices, especially here in Trinidad and Tobago. One thing that I keep hearing, that never fails to astound me is "Milk is too expensive. The Government should lower the price"
So - does this mean that the government has a milk farm, and a processing plant, distribution facilities, and that they are selling the milk from a Government store? That's the only way that they can really lower prices - and since that isn't so... well - what can the Government do? There are already few or no taxes and duties on imported milk, for example. But if there is a worldwide shortage of milk, (as there is) and the price goes up, how can the T&T Government "reduce" the price?
I think that many of my conterraneos are woefully ignorant of the realities of a global capitalist society.
But this article does a good job of explaining the external forces that are pushing food prices up.

The new Board of Directors of IGovTT

The new Board of Directors of  IGovTT  was presented with congratulatory letters by The Honourable Maxie Cuffie, Minister of Public Admini...