Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy and Strategy Conference Day 1

The first day of the National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy and Strategy Conference was focused on the first two themes of the National ICT plan (smartTT):

  1. Innovation and Human Capital Development 
  2. Access and Digital Inclusion
Following a short opening session (1 hr) where all the dignitaries made their speeches about the importance of the plan, we headed into the first plenary, which focused on an overview of ICTS for development, and a summary/executive review of the National ICT Plan Refresh - smartTT - by the Chairman of iGovTT, Atiba Phillips. 

Streaming was non-existent, but the iGovTT staff were doing their best to keep people informed via Twitter (@igovtt or #smartTT). Somewhere in the middle of this session, after no joy with regard to more intensive remote participation, I decided to try a ustream webcast with my laptop (webcam and integrated mic as I had't planned it). Typing sounds mar this video, but I was informed that the audio worked well enough to follow the event. It's the roundtable discussion and Q&A after the presentations from the Plenary.
Here it is:

After a pretty good lunch, (yaay Hyatt) there was still no joy with regard to getting a direct audio feed. So I ceased typing and the second session video seemed to be OK-ish. (see below) This is the session on the first two themes of the plan. Presentations with a short Q&A after the first 2 presentations.

Streaming Live by Ustream

Hope to get slides to upload, but don't have them yet.

Tomorrow, if they still don't webcast, at least I should have better audio... will walk with the relevant cables and if no joy from the sound board, then will use my own mic. 

More info on the Plan and the consultations is online at

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