I included the whole thing as the Guardian doesn't give permalinks.
Why are we going backwards? There's so many studies that indicate that there is NO radiation threat from the towers, TATT themselves are testing the radiation and finding NONE. The Town and Country Planning process is slow and holding back progress, adn rather than fixing the process to help the country move forward, the Govt decides to tear down the towers and take us back to the dark ages. What next? How do we get to 2020?
There seems to be a reactionary movement against science, technology and industrial development in this country.
But everyone wants to talk on their phone. Everyone wants microwaves, big screen TVs in every room in the house including the bedroom,... these are far worse for health over hte long term than any cell tower.
If this trend continues, I may have to move back to the US - I am not going to stay in a country that is going backwards at the speed this one seems to be... and Bush will be gone, so it will be safe for me to return!
Read the article now:
After notices to Digicel and TSTT have not been complied with, the Government intends to call in the army to remove illegal cell sites
The Army will be called in to remove 16 illegal cell sites belonging to both Digicel and TSTT if the companies do not do so themselves.
So said Minister of Planning and Development Camille Robinson-Regis when she addressed members of the T&T Chamber of Industry and Commerce at Westmoorings yesterday.
Robinson-Regis said notices were sent to the service providers giving them 28 days to comply with the order to dismantle the illegal sites, and the clock was running. She could not say how many days had already passed.
She said later that she had notified the Minister of National Security Martin Joseph, calling for the army’s help in removing the towers.
He added that the army had the necessary skills to remove the towers in such a way that the companies would not lose their investments.
“We did have a meeting with the companies about the locations of the towers and they did give an undertaking that once the towers were not within the planning policy that they would remove them,” she said.
“They have not done that and we find this difficult to understand since we said we were giving them the opportunity to remove the towers themselves.
“We did not want to go to the stage of enforcement, but we have reached that stage.”
The Minister said that an injunction was taken out restraining the ministry from removing two towers, so that matter would be going to court and would only delay the inevitability of the towers being removed.
She said found it preposterous that an interest group was giving her seven days to meet with it to discuss the cell tower issues.
“It has met with the Director of Town and Country Division and has aired it concerns,” she said.
“I have not received any correspondence for a meeting from it, except for what was in the media...I will not be responding to any threats.”
She said the ministry had mapped all the cell towers and have indicated to the owners the ones that were illegal.
But even as she talked of the strong action against cell towers, the minister later said that the nationwide problem of squatting had not stopped in spite of a law against it.
“The Army will not be used to remove them,” she joked.
Also addressing the breakfast meeting were Sheryl-Anne Haynes, acting director of Town and Country Planning Division and Vidjaya Ramkhalawan of the EMA.
When contacted yesterday evening, TSTT manager, communications and marketing, Amoy Van Lowe could not confirm whether TSTT had received any notice from the Ministry.
She also could not say how the removal of the cell sites would affect TSTT’s network as she was unsure whether TSTT would have to remove more than one tower.
My thoughts on life, life in Trinidad and Tobago, getting older, technology, ICT and policy, internet governance, crime, grammar (one of my pet peeves) and whatever else.
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Cell towers: bad.
Smelters: good.
What's even more amazing is that the government is moving to remove the cell sites that they themselves (through TSTT) erected. And I'm guessing they're using our money to do it.
Bmobile and Digicel often break the law to install their towers.
I often see new towers within 10 meters of residential homes. This is illegal, and they know it.
And do you really trust those so called "studies" and "tests".
Who did the tests ?
What was tested ?
Who funded the tests ?
What were these trying to accomplish when they
If progress is pursued with this type of attitude, we won't reach 2020 with a better life expectancy.
BTW, to anyone else reading this blog, please report your objections to Cell Towers at
Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
Suites 3-5 BEN Court
76 Boundary Road, San Juan
Tel: (868) 675-8288
Fax: (868) 674-1055
To quote marcel, "If progress is pursued with this type of attitude, we won't reach 2020 with a better life expectancy."
That said, squatting is illegal, which is what the bmobile and Digicel towers in question are being removed for. Rather than being backward, it's an enforcement of the law, which is step forward for this country. Hurrah.
My next door neighbor has a digicel tower errected in his little yard, and since then we who live around him have been suffering inexplicable symptoms: nervous system interference, we no can longer sleep at night with out medicatio, neurological impairment, etc. We are dying a slow, torturous death... Oh! About that inconsiderate (greedy for money) neighbor? He is died in his house. So now who can we go to to get this damn killing tower down! And you madam, who wrote this article of rubbish, should fall on your knees and pray to God for discernment, and not be a blind parrot.
....and btw, who doh like it here could leave! Please!!!! We are begging you to GO as far away from here as you possibly could. Bc you do not care about anybody but your selfish wants. Do proper investigation, which must include the victims of cell tower damage. Trees are not affected, the nervous system of humans and animals are! Take your ideas and GO.
Take the towers DOWN! There should be no towers in residential areas PERIOD!
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